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Andersen Air Force Base:

Air Force Base and Pati Point
AAFB main gate
3rd_MMS barracks
Flightline seen from MMS barracks
Base outdoor theater
Base housing
Revetment with loaded B-52
North ramp looking west
B-52 pylon with 500 lb bombs
B-52 pylon front view
Sunset with B-52 on approach
B-52D landing overhead
Towing H-bomb to bunker
Paulsen's heaps
Panorama of Andersen Air Force Base

Bob Hope USO shows at AAFB:

1966 USO show troupe
Hope, Heatherton, and Faria
Hope, Diller, The Korean Kittens
1967 USO show troupe
Bob Hope and Raquel Welsh
Miss World 1967
Bob Hope and Earl Wilson

B-52 bomb loading crews:

Bomb load crew at preload facility
Muscling a 500 lb bomb into place
Loading a bomb rack
Fire extinguisher fight
Chow wagon
Rainy day at preload
Getting vehicles
Paulsen with truck in ditch
Attaching arming wire to nose fuses
Bomb loader gets grass duty
Guiding a 500 lb bomb into preload rack
Pulling a wheelie with an MJ-1
MJ-1 pedal to the metal
Waiting for the next upload
Andy lifts a 500 lb bomb

Road trips around the island:

Road from AFB rear gate
First road trip with friends
John and Gary at base of scarp
Looking over the edge
Rock climber
Paulsen next to wrecked car
Hiking into the jungle
John next to my car
Jim Tegan
Cracking open a coconut
Jim at Gun Beach
WWII Japanese gun

I was a B-52 bomb loader for the 3rd Munitions Maintenance Squadron at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, during the Vietnam Conflict. When I arrived on the island in 1966 I was 21 years old. During my 18 month tour of duty I took more than 300 photographs, most of them with a Nikkormat FT 35mm SLR.

It has been 50 years since I left Guam, and I have never forgotten the island's breathtaking beauty and the many adventures I had there. I hope you enjoy these pictures.

I updated the original '90s website with new scans of the original 50 photos plus many new ones. I will try to add more from time to time.

You can see everything here by successively clicking the "Next Page" links at the upper right.

Short descriptions of each photo will be visible at the top left of most browsers, or by hovering the cursor over the photos in Internet Explorer.  Recently added pictures also have captions below them.

Dean Paulsen

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Clockwise around the island:

Shoreline north of Andersen AFB
Land crab
Bomb team gets a day off
Horse ranch on east shore
Talofofo Bay
Dean Paulsen
Dean Paulsen surfing
Three surfers
Four surfers
Crowd of surfers
Surfer girl
Swimmers at jungle waterfall
Umatac from old Spanish fort
North view from Mt Lamlam
East view from Mt Lamlam
South view from Mt Lamlam
Southwest view from Mt Lamlam
Sunset approaches at Cetti Bay
Small boat docks

Continuing clockwise:

Park on SW side
Looking south toward Tumon Bay
Two Lovers Point looking north
Vertical cave shaft at Two Lovers Point
Two Lovers Point looking south

Ritidian Point at the northwest:

View south from coral plateau
NW view from coral plateau
Another view from NW plateau
Limestone cave
Exploring the cave
Inside the cave
Bamboo forest
Cutting down bamboo
Inside a WWII Japanese bunker
Exploring an alcove in the bunker
Graveyard humor
Heading back

Center of island:

360º panorama of central Guam
Abandoned WWII tank
WWII landing craft
"Andy" Andrade shooting his .45
Valley near old tank
Deep ravine
Andy at top of ravine
Mike Filus starts the descent
Mike standing in stream
Waterfall at bottom of ravine

North of Tumon Bay:

Tom Courtney shooting .45
Dean paulsenshooting .45
Dean and Andy
Mike shooting .45
Andy floating in tidal pool